Customer Testimonials

At Bumper Central™, our customers are our priority.  Our success is measured by our ability to deliver a quality product and outstanding customer service.

“Bumper Central™ did a great job repairing the bumper (cover) cracks I got from a recent accident. I got my Mercedes back as if it never happened.” – H. Rodriguez

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“I fixed my car with your bumper (cover). Look how nice your bumper (cover) is. Great quality.” – D. Sheikh

D.Shiekh - Land Rover Discovery

“I am very happy with the bumper (cover) repairs done by Bumper Central™. The final product finish was very professional and I could not tell there were any damages at all, like a brand new bumper (cover) that rolled off the showroom.  Top quality, workmanship and service was very professional.” – A. Hermann


Great seller. Fast shipping. Excellent customer service.” – A. Figueroa

Very professional and courteous. They went out of the way to make sure I was ok.” – J. Withrow

Shipping company mishap but they made it right 100% definitely use again!” – R. Welch

Amazing seller and great person to deal with. Very happy with my purchase.” – N. Maksim

Let us be part of your success story!

Check out our extensive inventory to find the right bumper cover for your vehicle.  You will save 40-60% off retail and dealership prices!

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